Vafie has observed that there are many roadblocks that derail successful young people in achieving their dreams. He believes that it could be unique depending on a number of factors. Highlighting focus as such a small but key word, one that could be difficult to keep hold of especially when your discipline demands long years of knowledge pursuit or certification.
Vafie says that one thing he has come to embrace looking back is that “You don’t have to see the path clearly enough to start taking the steps”. Amidst the fog, dew and mist, take the leap of faith. If you choose medicine/pharmacy as your career, let it be known that they are tough by design. Don’t be influenced or forced to get into it. You should gear up resilience, courage and prayer.
Vafie believes that we live in a world where continuous learning is a prerequisite for growth, it’s his desire that every person no matter their age embraces this truth.