Site icon Ariana Diaries


Growing up as the daughter of a teacher I had no interest in the profession.

In fact I wondered how anyone could stomach so much activity, noise and energy in one space. At that time teaching was the last career option that I would choose.

Nevertheless I loved books and reading, instructing and taking charge.I found every opportunity to babysit for families and to help in informal school settings.

My Mama loved her profession but I did not see it bring any material rewards for her. She was overworked with minimal pay that was nearly always delayed. The system did not reward it’s teachers neither were they appreciated for investing in the future.

When I started showing interest in teaching, she was very scared and voiced out her fears. She thought I was taking a risk at not being successful in life and after all the strides I had made in improving myself and the growth I had achieved in the management world.Seeing that I was passionate about making the change she believed in me and trusted my judgement and decision. She made up her mind that she would encourage me.

She became my biggest supporter.

When I started my early learning center; Narnia Daycare. I was certain that exposing children to different careers through play would be an integral part of our curriculum.

I wanted to create an environment that would help children discover their interest and sow seeds of passion within.

I wanted to help create a new Sierra Leone filled with diligent and passionate workers. A country where people did what they loved and were rewarded for it. As I was tired of seeing disgruntled workers struggling to keep up.

My desire is for every parent to see the need to support their children’s interests and to encourage them to be the best in any field of their choice.

It is possible that they can be the best musician in the world, the best sportswoman, the best farmer , the best cook, the best beauty queen ever and so on and so forth and their is nothing wrong with being just that.

Today be a source of inspiration to someone .

Be supportive of dreams and chase the rainbow.

#ArianaDiaries #FridayInspiration #CheerstomyMentors #StartThemYoung