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A Day With A Feminist

Many individuals  describe their stance on human rights in regards to gender & what most of them come up with is feminism, but they refuse to [self]-identify as such due to their [warped] misconception/perception on what feminism entails or who a feminist is. 

In my own words a feminist is anyone. That’s right anyone.

Anyone who advocates &/or lobbies for gender parity & equity in society. Individuals who identify the gender gaps in society; whether that be in public life, socio-economically, culturally, religiously, in academia etc & make strides in their own way to call society out on it. Whether that’s sponsoring an adolescent girl to continue her schooling because s/he sees how girls are disadvantaged, or encouraging a man to breakdown & cry without berating him.

In that regard we all feminists, or we should be anyways.

Feminism to me is the choice & freedom for a person to exercise his or her civil liberties & rights without being tied down to [binary] gender stereotypes. Without feminism true equality cannot be attained & we as a society need to address this more than ever especially in the digital age.

Feminism to me is my identity, as I continue to be in work spaces wherein I am one of the few women or I attend speaking engagements & there are still more men than women. Feminism to me means that we do not relent until we ensure all aspects & spaces in society cater to & promote the healthy ecosystem for women & girls to be seen as human before rather than what is in between their legs. 

Let it Rain, Purple drops 

Not to be basic! but if feminism was a colour, it would be purple! That’s for sure. No wonder it became the official color of International Women’s Day. As a child, way before I celebrated this day, I have always seen purple as the color of feminism. Historically speaking, purple has always represent grandeur, decadence, nobility and independence…& for good reasons too.That is what feminism is to me, it is noble, we are independent and we are here!


Introducing my power MEAL-  to empower you today


Breakfast: An avocado , banana smoothie with 2 boiled eggs.

Avocado banana smoothies are great to promote a healthy heart & aid in lowering blood pressure. Eggs are high in protein which give energy. This duo can equip you to deal with strongest level of bullcrap the patriarchy decides to throw you at that morning. It’s a strength meal as breakfast is the most important meal of the day 🙂

Lunch: Chicken pasta salad 

This is really great for career women. It doesn’t require much work & it can be eaten hold or cold. I love making this as I’m constantly on the go & it gives me that extra boost I may need during the climax of my day. 

This in itself is a balanced meal & lean as well. It has all your fibers, protein & [good] carbs. For non-meat eaters submitting chicken for sweet potato is great!

Dinner: chef salad &/or soup with bread  

I typically try not to eat after 7pm for digestive reasons, so having something warm to fill up your belly all night long especially if you work in the wee hours a bowl of soup is great. I usually make chicken noodle soup with carrots or maybe just vegetable soup. If I’m really hungry I’ll make my own rendition of a chef salad which is typically with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, sardines, cucumbers & carrots. This is a great way to end a day 

She starts the day with a strut and  affirms herself with a power chant.

I am no expert at positivism and so I struggle with this, While I might not be ripping off an existing chant or mantra ( lol). I know the power of the morning and I would encourage anyone that could get into the routine. This reminds me of a scene from The Help (2010) when Viola Davis’ character tells the [white] child she cares for:

You is kind.

You is smart.

You is important.

Despite the poor grammar, I think we all can learn something from this & internalizing this can make one feel confident & gives us the boost we need for the day. 

Then she goes into the battlefield . We can all be Feminists!

Scenario 1: ‘She steps out braless and heads to work , she is called a whore. A mismatch to her profession.’  

In her SHOES: My self- talk would be:

‘This scenario had me screaming, because my bress (breast) are just not societally “conducive” to be paraded around town without a bra due their size . #BigBobiMatters

But ok, let’s say I do. I think it’ll go as follows:

*cues I Don’t Give A F*** by Tupac Shakur*

Sometimes in life, you just have to take the high road. I couldn’t give two flying —monkeys haha & would just ignore. If I was told something disparaging to my face I would report the individual (or individuals) to Human Resources as it would be discrimination. Big breasted men walk around their place of work without a bra, so why shouldn’t I? Ha! Duya, mi bobi want breeze!’

Scenario 2: She gets laid off from her job just because she is a female-engineer who happened to get pregnant in the middle of a $1 million project. 

In Her SHOES , I would write a letter to my employers:

Dear X,

My unlawful termination is discriminatory. I have served this firm diligently & to be fired because I choose to start a family is unjust & illegal. I will be pursuing this case in court; expect to hear from my lawyers soon.


 Scenario 3: A girl doesn’t argue, you look down when you are spoken to. Your duty is to look pretty. Motivate her to fight off the expectations. 



Don’t allow anyone to dim your shine because your only “crime” was being born female. Challenging norms & the status-quo. We came into this earth with a boom & I have no intention of leaving quietly & neither should you. Speak up for your sisters who can’t. Speak up for our grandmothers. Speak up for future, present & future female generations.

Scenario 4: Her partner argues on saying, what good is a wife who is too busy to cook? Your status means nothing to me, I can find another in the twinkle of an eye.


Fen nor. Mi sef able fen in a “twinkle of an eye”.

Being a partner, that’s what it means — being in a partnership. Domestic chores should be split among partners. One cooks, one cleans. One minds the kids, one does the shopping. I work you work. So we need to work together to be successful irrespective of gender. 

                                                                                   THE END                                                                                                 

I recover with  “Our deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? 

You are a child of God.

Your playing small .

Does not serve the world. 

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking 

So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, 

As children do. 

We were born to make manifest 

The glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; 

It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, 

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we’re liberated from our own fear, 

Our presence automatically liberates others.