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Breast Savvy

Most women grow up envying their friend’s breasts, loathing theirs or wanting some changes to it’s size. Through the length of a woman’s life we go through varied emotions about our breasts.
I can vividly see the little boy that laughed at my big boobs during PE time. I was only Nine years old. That made me so self-conscious.I became horrified of my breasts growing to such an extent that I think it stopped midway.
It’s interesting to note that in adulthood most women do not fancy breast feeding for fear that their breasts will sag.
Just thinking out loud, how about if you could find that near perfect solution to your breast issues. Stop the over-thinking and self-loathing about your breasts and actually take action.
What if you had that solution that doesn’t cost a few hundreds dollar but could uplift or enlarge your breasts.


The effects might not be noticeable immediately but it does pay off.
It might make you turn up your nose a bit so you can switch to a stronger perfume ,it’s worth the struggle.
Why don’t you take nature’s path to breast reconstruction by massaging fenugreek essential oil on to your breasts at least twice daily right after shower. It can be added on to your own body cream or lotion.Pour the desired portion into the palm of your hand and apply to your boobies.
FENUGREEK is the base for most breast firming and enlarging products.

It has some powerful health benefits specially for some common health conditions such as skin inflammation.

#boobs #cleavage #mommymakeover #breastlift #ArianaDiaries