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He had a nice personality outside the home and he did all those things that were pleasing in the eyes of society. He gave me gifts, He said the right words but it was all for show. This made it difficult for people to notice my pain. During the first year of our marriage, I ran away but my family brought me back. Nothing changed and I knew I had to escape or I would be killed carelessly someday.

I am Sadia Kanu, an advocate and survivor of domestic violence. Domestic violence involves violent behaviour mostly within the home or in an intimate relationship. Its victims could range from parents, kids, relatives or even inhabitants within the home but for the purpose of our foundation special emphasis is placed on spouses. Both parties can be violent but the prevailing order is where a male partner in an intimate relationship perpetrates inhumane acts towards their significant other. It can also be described as conduct that harms or is likely to harm the safety, health and well-being of a person.

Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional/psychological or a combination of all three. It is about power, manipulation, isolation and control.

Often, individuals who go through domestic violence are seen as paranoid. Another sad and unfortunate thing is the fact that there is an increase in the number of victims that wallow in denial and lack the awareness to detect that abuse is being inflicted. In some cases, the abusers themselves may not be aware that they are being abusive.


A little over a decade ago (in my early 20s), I had a first-hand experience with domestic violence when I got married. Those were the most horrific 30 months of my life. I began to realize the relationship was unhealthy even before we took our vows but I ran through the red lights out of ignorance, not knowing when I was being abused or what domestic violence was. I thought it had to do with maturity and I expected it to fizzle out with time but that was not the case. I hoped especially that things would fall into place after the wedding but that was when things got worse.

I experienced physical, emotional and psychological torture at an alarming rate it became life threatening. I experienced every form of abuse during these dark periods. When we were together, I received beatings; this became a weekly occurrence depending on the level of his anger.

I was choked, kicked, battered.

I had pillows against my face to suffocate me to death. At one point, I was cut with a knife and he made people believe that I slipped and injured myself; I did not dare to speak up then. It was as if I was in an army barracks. Constantly in fear of what will tick him off or make him angry. I was dragged and was beaten for almost everything, mistakes became a taboo.

Whenever he would beat me, I would think those were my last moments. I was a regular at the eye clinic for blood clots in my eyes (that are still visible) because of the frequent battering.

I have always believed in dialogue especially with loved ones. Arguments can be healthy and fights (not fisticuffs though) can be fair but I had to walk on eggshells all the time. I was called names “barren”, “infidel” and so forth. He would threaten to kill me if I ever thought of leaving; I was told that I would not find someone better. Crying was the order of my stay there and he will ridicule me “cry until your dad resurrects from the dead”. I was sexually molested on multiple occasions. I lost my sanity and self-worth.

Whenever, I thought of leaving I also thought about how society will look at me, the shame of a broken marriage (especially to my family). I thought of running away to another country but I had no savings. I constantly thought of suicide and murder, but I kept asking myself if he was worth a lifetime in jail for. That is when I made up my mind; I was going to leave even if I had to stay in a gutter. Worst of all, he kept telling me that if he cannot have me, no one else will. I did not understand the weight of that statement until months after we separated.

Eventually, I made up my mind to leave him. This was after one of his merciless beatings that left my face disfigured and just because I did not congratulate his parents.
This was the last straw. I knew if he knew I was going to leave, he would do something bad to me. So I waited, a week after when he left for an examination I packed out of the house.

Most women may not leave an abusive relationship because they are in fear of their abusers or they may not have anywhere to go or they may not be financially stable or have supportive families. When I left, I made up my mind that I was going to bear the shame and start over again. I fled and took only my suitcases. I left everything behind. I had no dime to my name even though I was working. It took all my will power to go back to my Parent’s house where I started sleeping on the floor because I gave up everything when I got married. It was a matter of choice. Was I going to stay and sleep on the floor at my parent’s house or was I going to go back and be killed? In my broken and damaged state, I chose life.


Domestic violence happens daily around the world and especially in our communities. It has ravaged many women, altered many destinies, delayed progress, destroyed homes and most importantly affected children. It destroys self-esteem and confidence, especially in young women and children. When I decided I was going to do something and share my story I was told that’s not the way to go but I broke the cultural norms,

I tried joining a few women organizations but I noticed that the vision wasn’t the same. In February of 2019, I decided to create something that would address my experience. I did not have an office or anything but, I believed in the power of storytelling and that was the birth of Sadiz Anti-domestic Violence Foundation. We started the registration process and I spoke to a few professionals from the legal and medical standpoint. We got some counsellors on board and we created a helpline: + 232 75 100041.

My vision for SAV Foundation is to create awareness on Domestic Violence and related issues, encouraging victims to speak out and to support them by way of counselling. We place special emphasis on younger women, precisely between the ages of 18-24 as they are our point of focus for awareness. This is so because they are the most vulnerable and highly prone to domestic violence. We envision an environment where women are safe and valued. We want to impart the knowledge and understanding of the impact of ABUSE. We want to teach them and men as well, about healthy boundaries and consent.

In as much as we want to focus on young women. I must state that domestic violence can happen to anyone irrespective of your age, your educational background or your financial status. There are highly placed women in a society that are being abused but cannot speak out because they are ashamed. SAV Foundation wants to break those boundaries.


Since the foundation begun in February, we have embarked on community outreach programs that involve creating awareness in schools and vocational Institutions.

By October 2019, we hope for a 50% all-round awareness for young girls as well as older women. They should know and be able to explain what domestic violence is and how we can help others move away from it. It is an ambitious project, that might take a while but with lots of dedication in sharing the right information. I am very hopeful.


Domestic Violence is not always easily recognizable. However, there are different ways to tell if someone is being abused. Mostly physical abuse is easily identifiable because it involves visual pieces of evidence. However, one should look for the following signs:

➢ Someone who regularly has bruises, wounds, regular black eye (like I had in the past).

➢Someone who has frequent and unexplained physical injuries is another way to notice.

➢ Someone who acts differently, than they normally do, exhibiting increased aggressive behaviour, being jumpier or more on guard, withdrawing and not wanting to be around other people, Being moodier (angry, depressed, sad) than normal.

➢Someone who is nervous about talking when her partner is there.

➢Someone who blames herself for the violent behaviour of her partner and walks around on “eggshells”.

Most victims show more than one sign. Therefore, we encourage close friends and family to pay kin attention to their loved ones if you happen to notice these signs.


One thing I can say is that everyone and anyone can help fight Domestic Violence. It does not matter the age, gender or status. If you sense that something is wrong do not turn a blind eye or say, ‘it’s not my businesses. Raising an alarm can save someone’s life or can put someone out of harm’s way. The following can be done.

1. The first and most important thing in helping people going through abuse is that you have to be informed. Get as much information so you will be better placed in knowing what to say, how to say it and the right time to say it. That is why our number one focus is to educate, inform and spread the awareness.

Encourage Victims to speak out. They may not be ready or willing to talk as they are most times ashamed or uncomfortable but please do not give up. Keep making them know that to speak out can save their lives. Try to show that you love and care about them as much as possible. They need it as there is that feeling of emptiness and betrayal that comes with abuse this is because the people who abuse us are not really strangers. They are people we feel we love and who we thought loved us.

2. Do not JUDGE victims. Do not ask them what they did wrong. It will only worsen the situation and make them close up more. What should make a man raise a hand at a woman or beat up a woman mercilessly? Or threaten to kill her with a knife? Nothing! It is unwarranted.

3. Inform family members. To be very honest in many cases, family members may not take it too seriously at first. Though not in all cases. This I may say is because they are not informed; they may not know and understand the consequences of abuse. Most times, they will treat it lightly especially families that care too much about their reputation. They may throw a lot under the rug in order to save their family’s name and put the victim’s life at more risk. What I normally advice is DO NOT KEEP QUIET. Keep talking, keep telling people, just do not stop letting us know how you feel. Make them understand that domestic violence can lead to premature death. Someone once told my mum that if she couldn’t bear the shame of my broken marriage, she will eventually have to suffer the pain of my death so that was a wake-up call that got to her and sunk in.

4. Talk to authorities like the police and specialized counsellors. In my case, the abuser was detained twice but it resulted in nothing after. There was a day after another complaint at the police station, a policewoman pulled me aside and she said to me. “Dear if you love your life you have to leave this man….If not, you will be killed carelessly one day”. That was a revelation for me.

Also, seek help from Counsellors. Most abusers do not change until they get proper help but they have to accept and take responsibility for their actions. Help them develop a safety plan. The first lawyer I went to after I fled told me that no one is going to feel the way you do or no one understands what you’ve been through therefore the decision to go back or stay in a safe place is entirely yours.

To summarise it all, the ultimatum lies with the victim. The first step is to acknowledge that you are being abused. The second step is to move away from the abuser and most importantly be given protection. The third step is to go through counselling as you heal because it is a traumatic experience.

Also, note that for my case a restraining order was issued to my abuser. This is because Domestic Violence does not end after the victim leaves. When I left, there were threats and horrible things said which was scary. I did not understand at the time but I later did when I started studying and learning about the behavioural patterns of abusers and how they operate. Abuse is all about control. Abusers will still want power and control even after their victims leave. That is why most times victims are killed after they leave.

In Conclusion, Domestic Violence is a silent killer in our society. Many women walk in shame not wanting others to know what they went through or are still going through.
Absorbing so much pain can lead to mental health issues, high blood pressure, trauma and other complications. It affects our productivity as women. As we join hands to fight this, let us remember that we are not doing this just for ourselves as women but as a responsibility to save and bring sanity to humanity – it is our duty to help build a mentally stable generation of women.

In my case, we did not have kids and I thank God because I wouldn’t have wanted my kids to see me being abused. We need to stand together to fight this to create a safer environment for ourselves and for our girls.

Through it all, God has been my source of strength and I encourage any woman going through a trauma like domestic violence not to lose hope. God can turn any situation around. Keep praying and trusting God. Do not give up. There is always a purpose for our pain.
Also remember a praying, mentally stable and a confident woman is an empowered woman.