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Ranya S Nirvan was born in Kenema, Sierra Leone. She has been creating glass paintings for over a decade and a half, and she is inspired by all forms of African art and passionate about elevating Sierra Leonean Art.

Ranya  uses glass colors to create her art. She intrinsically paints directly onto the glass.

A fan of bright colors, contrast and abstract art, Ranya strives to add personal touches to each piece of art that she creates.

She proudly markets them as Made in Sierra Leone,and she promises to continue on with producing world-class products.

As a result of her contentious efforts in her field of choice, she was recognised and awarded The 2018 Best Female Creative Artist at the Sisters Choice Awards. This year she was honoured with an award for innovation by The Imperial Kabalai. 

Ranya loves introducing art to young children and holds frequent private workshops  with them. Today she made a stop at Narnia Daycare, one of  Sierra Leone’s leading early learning center.

Narnia on a daily basis implements practical approaches to learning, this is to encourage early stimulation , social awareness , emotional intelligence and reasoning skills. Every other Friday is tagged ‘ CAREER FRIDAY ‘, they invite successful individuals from all works of life, fields and professions to do activities with the children.  

Due to Ranya’s thoughtfulness, the Narnians got their first exclusive art exhibition and a chance to make their own abstract art.

Art is vital! When children are engaged in hands on activities, they learn much better in nearly all disciplines.

Did you know that when children are introduced to art early, it helps with:

  • Concentration levels/ Memory Retention.

  • Supports motor skills development.

  • Enhances creativity.

  • Helps develop problem-solving skills.

Purchase your own exclusive glass or abstract painting from Ranya :