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The Year 2021- was another 12 months of what we call the new normal, burdened with uncertainty, really high moments and for some people they hit their lowest ebbs.

Anxiety brought us closer to self-regulating mechanisms that gives us a promise of hope and a future behind masks, sanitizers and oxygen tanks. Families are rekindling old ways of being together,  while the individual take on gratitude is a lot more pronounced.

Regardless of where you find yourself as the clock ticks daily, you will agree that 2022 has met a courageous tribe of doers. Through thick and thin, closures and collapses, humans all around the world have tapped into our inner core.

This courageous outlook on life it appears is an in-built gift that does not only cater to the elite or educated but is quite innate to mankind.

Citing my home country ; Sierra Leone as an example – I have seen a genuine concern from people near and far who are becoming increasingly fascinated about their well being, hunting down neglected forms of holistic care and seeking homeopathic remedies of old. The weekends are dotted with close to fanatical beach buddies who run across town, small self-care groups have emerged- people who are very concerned about exercising, being fit and eating healthy.  The goal has been to not transition during the pandemic but to LIVE dynamically, maybe because no one really knows what happens tomorrow. 

Now more than ever,  spirituality has taken the front seat with people quoting religious icons they might never meet. It’s been such a beautiful time of finding our best selves, choosing self and inevitably piling up wishes to be fulfilled.

Right from my corner, observing the world  –  I have coined my top intentions in the form of wishes that the Big Boss upstairs might find worthy of fulfilling this 2022.  I hope you have been NICE not NAUGHTY so you can indulge.

WISH 1 ~ Health and Vitality

May your mind,body and soul find it’s ultimate formula for success.

As citizens of this world being in a great state of health guarantees wholesome outputs, productivity and happiness.

I hope you find, like my Mama says that thing or person that tunes your guitar.  Look through your habits and ditch that one thing you know isn’t working.  Is it a friendship? A habit? A client? Your neighbourhood ? Be radical about syncing with all dimensions of yourself.

Wish 2 ~ Mindful Relationships

Everyone deserves love and kindness.  If you are not getting a good dose of this two, now is the time to reevaluate.  What works for you?

Some people say they thrive without friendships , I have my doubts.  Maybe it’s because I have been around the aged in the last decade or so. I know that money can’t buy you good company but a great network guarantees you gold. We need those angels in our space to mention our names in rooms we are yet to step in.

Guard your loved ones fearlessly while making empathy your lifestyle.

Wish 3 ~ Hollistic Abundance

We’ve  seen people with money die leaving it all behind.  We have also seen people with riches suffer with diseases that have no cure.

I believe that Abundance is getting rich without dying, recognizing your talents, giving back when you are fed and being open to recognizing that we were all born with a PURPOSE.  What are you going to do to make yourself,  family,  community and nation proud?

Wish 5 ~ Exploration Power

The lessons from the pandemic are evolving but the daily theme is the ability for humans to be courageous through change.  Who would have thought that multi- million dollar companies will work from home? Initially we thought like in the horror movies,  we were all going to die. Unfortunately we have lost some pretty good folks but the rest of Mankind is metamorphosing to produce even better forms of lifestyle.  My wish for you is to not give up, within the gloom and doom lies your diamond in the rough awaiting your excavation and processing.

May your 2022 be about you finding what works for you, harnessing that talent or gift.

I was going to add more wishes but it came to me like a flash that we must leave the wishing well open , you might have your wishes too, add them on to this list and watch them manifest… I hope we have no reader doubting their power or forgetting the magic of New Beginnings.

You may share your wishes here too, for we know they will be fulfilled.

LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL  Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.- Matthew 7:7