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What causes liver problem?

Well let’s begin by appreciating the work the liver does.The liver is the chemical factory of the body that builds or recycle substance  your body needs for  good health or breaks down those you don’t need as waste and its passed out as faeces.  Here is an interesting fact: about 2.25 litres of blood passes through the liver , every minute for detoxification purposes. Everyday your liver manufactures about 1 litre of bile  which helps carry away toxins through your bowel.

Now liver diseases such as hepatitis B or high cholesterol affects the liver capacity to remove toxins  from the body. When your liver isn’t working properly , your symptoms can include  feeling tired (even though you sleep), muscle joints and pain, even constipation. Other visible symptoms, is yellowing of the white eyes, yellow -looking skin and bad symptoms of heartburn when digesting  fatty food.

The latest trend in dieting or eating healthy is having  “low fat food” as part of a wellness insurance policies, which in fact is not a useful  protection against heart attacks and stroke.

Recent studies have linked the cause of heart disease  like stroke, high cholesterol from inflammation caused by excess intake of sugar  and other simple carbohydrate like those in bread, pastry, alcohol, dairy products like cheese , milk and even eating  excessive animal protein because animal protein gives the liver  a lot  of work to do.

In woman the liver is responsible for balancing hormones , if it’s not working efficiently, hormones can accumulate inappropriately causing an inbalance which could trigger problems like fibroids, PCOS and endometriosis. For men, liver problems can influence health issues like benign prostrate hyperplasia or prostrate enlargement.

How to prevent liver problems?

Sounds interesting? Do you know the liver enjoys bitter herbs, because bitter herbs contains an active compound called Glutathione. Glutathione helps promote cell regeneration in the liver and repair liver damage.

Examples of African Traditional herbs that contains this  compound include bitter gourd leaf, its botanical name is  Momordica charantia , another herb is Tumeric  its botanical name Curcuma longa. The curcumin has been found to increase the expression  of enzymes that produces glutathione in the body.

Lecithin is another compound the liver love,  it helps the body digest fats, which eases the burden of the liver. this occurs naturally in the Guava leaf, its botanical name psidium guajava,

In traditional Chinese medicine , the liver does most work between 1 and 3am in the morning. Now if the liver isn’t working properly the person will often be awake at these times.  

At this juncture, let’s send a Public Service Announcement to our African men!  Please avoid  excess or large meals at night or drinking alcohol after 11pm. Such lifetstyle habits can drag the liver into danger zones.

Many African  nations use plant medicine to improve their liver health and with proper guidance it shouldn’t have side effects. Unlike modern medication like  Liptor which causes muscle pain or simvastatin which causes muscle weakness. It’s adviseable that these medicines be used for only short term  correction and not for an long/ ext period.  If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me