Everyday is a fashion show and the world is a runway. – Coco Chanel Hen Nyandei is a Sierra Leonean based fashion and accessories brand that aims to satisfy the stylish urge of the modern African women/men. The Hen Nyandei woman is bold and beautiful , confident in her sense of fashion and style. Feeling…
My Sierra Leone is beautiful! A picture- postcard place with panoramic views from the capital city stretched across the hinterlands. We boast of mineral and agricultural resources that would make other countries ecstatic for days. A country full of diverse ethnicity…
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TEDxYouth TEDxYouth events happen all year round in schools and in local communities. TEDxYouthKingTom TEDxYouth@KingTom is the first TEDx event specifically dedicated to youth in Sierra Leone. Program TEDxYouth@Kingtom will be a full…