My childhood was exciting, I had parents who were middle-aged and were liberal for the most part. Nonetheless been in a nuclear family setting gave me a guided view, with set intentions and a narrow perspective on life.
Everything was pretty much black and white. I relied heavily on emotional support from family, teachers and friends. Words of affirmation, triggered the best in me. The good thing was I found great escape in reading about different worlds, cultures and philosophies. At a young age, I learnt about other children from different backgrounds, orphans, children living in deprived communities and those from dysfunctional families. This opened up my eyes to another world, movies such as not without my daughter, Oliver- The musical, Annie and The famous five adventures were instrumental to igniting an interest in the unknown.

Aside of a few trips around Sierra Leone, I was not very familiar with living in new environments and interacting with different people. Up until 1999, when my family had to seek refuge in The Gambia. The circumstances of our departure was hurried, I couldn’t pack my favourite books, or dresses or souvenirs. I had my room and access to a store that had all of me, my childhood memories, most of which I couldn’t take along. We started a new chapter, met with new people, some that became lifelong friends. I had the best and some of the worst experiences. All of which, I believe were intricate in building resilience and a great sense of purpose in me. Fast forward to today with my knowledge of early childhood development and education, I am in awe that it happened that way. It built a special breed, an innovative, strong and entrepreneurial being.

I would advise anyone raising children to do these TWO things:
 Expose them to reading , the power of accessing and tapping into information .
 Create new experiences especially around travelling, introduce them to new environments as often as possible.

It is a necessity and here’s why:


Children are curious by default, always eager to pick up new habits and to find out why. Your little girl is fiddling with the remote because she is interested in what lies within. This desire must be cultivated rather than discouraged. It might cost you some financial damages or a messy space but it will guarantee you a brighter and better future for your child. Activate the desire TO KNOW in your child by introducing them to books; give them access to information, the news, documentaries, national geographic, magazines and the like. Watch the age ratings as and when possible, make time to supervise or let another responsible adult be in the background till they are old enough.  Your key is moderation in all things.


It is so easy to want to love and protect your child. This is expected, they are precious and life’s most valuable gift. If you believe in life after death, like I do. Then you would agree that they are the only possessions we take along. In a desire to give your child the best, expose them to the good, the bad and the ugly. They are stronger than you think. When children experience difficulties early on, it helps them see a new reality; they get to develop life-long values. They appreciate the little things; they give more and grow into more empathetic and dedicated adults. One of the easiest ways to do this is through practice, visit new places, interact with different cultures. I can vividly remember when I was forced to use a pit latrine as a young child. I was terrified of the hole and thought I would be swallowed by the darkness. Little did I know that this horrifying experience was preparing me for the future? A time when I had to use this latrine, every day for nearly two years, a university that barely had functioning toilet facilities. When it got to those periods in my life, I was still uncomfortable, hated it but I was better prepared for it. I would always think of the people who had never had another option, who knew nothing better.


1. Renew your mind; refuse negative thoughts that create doubt. Your child will not become the next victim of violence. She is safe and protected
2. Seek knowledge, discover ways to engage with your child that you can both enjoy.
3. Create a routine around, discovery and exploration. Read books together.
4. Trust your intuition, when your gut feels uneasy about a decision, think a bit further on it and ask questions.
5. Seek help reach out for expert advice and counseling. No one knows everything. 
6. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, they will not always like the experiences. You will have tantrums and regrets. Do not be afraid to try again.
7. Be open minded, allow your inner child within to show up. There is always a lesson to learn. Trust the process

Written by: arianadiaries

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