Ever since I became a mother with portfolio careers. The pressure to achieve perfection mounted.  It’s interesting how we work hard to improve our lifestyle but leave the body and mind in a state of neglect. We upgrade our wardrobe but forget that our bodies need pampering and downtime to recharge. Before incorporating a change in my routine, I would often find myself tired and burn out. This led to periods of frustration and discontent. Then self-care stopped being a one-off thing. In the past, I would often save up for a spa- day or a solo retreat at a fancy resort or just find ways to have a stay cation. These methods worked , I adored and looked forward to them but they were not sustainable on the budget of an entrepreneur.

Over time , I realized that just one encounter with a client would require recovery time. Reality would not permit me to take time off every week. I struggled to find a balance. Grateful that I am making my way through.  I am now ready to share with you, how I stay stress free without spending a dime. These tips have been tried and tested over the past few months and they have helped me stay calm and become more productive!

Take a Walk

As soon as I feel tension building up. I stop and take a walk. Nothing high-rated, nothing fancy. I walk across the room or outside. This helps me cool down. It forces my blood to circulate better, causing an internal release . Your mind cannot function when your emotions are bottled up!


Play Your favourite music

This does not work for everyone. I have discovered that I enjoy different songs at different times. I have a playlist for every mood; for work it’s a blend of upbeat songs , that uplift my spirit and reminds me of fun times. I never have it on full blast, but prefer it low. I could work for hours especially through the night without getting bored when the stereo is on or my phone plugged on to you-tube.

Reach out to your rant partner

Don’t we all have that one person that we dump stuff on? The informal therapist that gets to hear the real story behind why you burnt the food in the oven or didn’t meet your KPI’s. Talking to someone you know cares about you, is such a relief. Every person needs reassurance, every now and again. I go on my ranting episodes with my girl friends and mama. Some days I start out rational and end up crying hard or in fits of belly deep laughter!



Wear your favourite perfume

Our minds associate good and bad memories with things we smell. Find that one perfume that works for you, the one that you really love and could wear over and over again. Save it for the ‘ mood’ booster days. Carry a small bottle of your favourite perfume in your purse. Re-apply when you want to refresh your self or lighten the mood. This would help relax those tightened muscles. Peppermint or lavender oil does the trick too.

Do nothing

Be like Winnie the Pooh ‘doing nothing often leads to the very best of something’. In this children’s classic, Winnie the honey loving bear goes on to explain to his friends that doing nothing means just getting along,listening to the things you can’t hear and not bothering about it.  Lately I am becoming more alert and responsive to issues unfolding, because I practice mindful living. I am more aware of nature, sounds, and people. I take note of what people wear, how they speak etc. I take pleasure in the little things, this helps me relax. Practice doing nothing at least 10 mins during your work day.

There you have it! My 5 simple but effective tips to stay stress- free . Are you an entrepreneur or a professional with a busy schedule. What are some of your tips for staying stress free. Share with me in the comments below!


Written by: arianadiaries

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