`The highest rates of child mortality are still in Sub-Saharan Africa—where 1 in 9 children dies before age five, more than 16 times the average for developed regions (1 in 152). Under-five mortality rate in Africa (per 1,000 live births) declined from 163 in 1990 to 100 in 2011′.-USAID


Most statistics around healthcare in Africa borders between  two words  dire or depressing, all the same we barely give relevance to the truth. Most times we obliterate these facts with trivial issues, that bear no significance to the problems we have to solve as a continent. Maybe this in a way is our coping mechanism, what an interesting way to live. Despite the struggles around child mortality in Sierra Leone, most people still relatively hold on to child birth as an achievement or a symbol of prestige, wealth and in some communities’ – power. I for one would stay happy with this culture, more children means more clients for me.

Regardless in a bizarre way, I feel the need for parents to be more equipped before taking the long road to birthing and raising children. For most people this process is clouded with other things, the fights over names,  furnishing the nursery , the welcoming party – ‘ pull na doh’ and the baby’s first wardrobe, with little or no thought for perhaps the most important factor. Who will be baby’s first doctor? The experts’ advice that after the first initial check-up after birth, babies must see a licensed pediatrician within 3- 5 days of birth.

Did you choose your baby’s doctor before birth? Let’s be really truthful here, alright, start confessing.`Your sins that are many would be forgiven, if you try to consider these 5 things when you do it again, don’t tell me that you plan on having just one child. Have you not been told? ‘Wan pikin nor garanti’ – I kid’.

“Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future.”
― Hippocrates

1st Things 1st

Visit the medical council to find out doctors that are listed with them, In Sierra Leone this will reduce the chances of falling into the hands of a ‘quack’. Shortlist 2-4 doctors based on their proximity to your house. Accessing your doctor’s office must not be a task- rather it must be hassle free. Visit their clinic; never ever doubt your first impressions. Did you feel comfortable walking in? At first glance did the space meet your standard of hygiene? Do the patients look relaxed? Were they seated comfortably? How long do they wait before seeing the doctor? Is it a solo practice? What are there working hours, is the doctor available for emergencies, do they do home visits? Do they have a good referral system with other hospitals? Do they have access to a diagnostics center or a lab that can conduct basic tests? How flexible is the doctor? Would they leave for lunch time or Jumah prayers? While this might seem like a lot of work for you, it’s going to save you undue pressure and guarantee a safe transition from God’s protection in the womb to our space.

2nd Things 2nd

Now that you have identified a few doctors that appear to match your expectations, play detective. Ask around, a friend of a friend, Google their names, talk to parents in your workplace or house of worship. Do you know Dr. X?  What’s your experience with her like? Did they take time to listen to your complaint, did you feel intimidated? What’s her personality like? Ask older children that have visited this doctor, about their experience. Was He kind, funny or impatient?

3rd Things 3rd

Can you afford this doctor? Do you need to take out an insurance plan? How does their billing system work? An expensive doctor does not necessarily mean a good one. Most people do not make hospital their first port of call due to the financial implications, making it a habit to play doctor. Just a little bit of trial and error, does the trick – yay or nay?

4th things 4th

Assess your feelings about this doctor; my number one advice on parenting is always this- listen to your intuition. It never lies! Would you trust this person’s information? Would you feel comfortable to share your intimate secrets with this pediatrician? Doctor – For example: Doctor I am addicted to alcohol or I have an STD, would that affect me breastfeeding my baby? Do you have mutual beliefs, does she believe in circumcision? What’s his view on vaccination? Is he deeply rooted in the cultural system, wherein He will feel more comfortable explaining the truth to your male- partner than yourself? Besides we all have different needs, you might like a doctor that does a quick exam while other people might be deeply connected to one that is slower, so you get to spend more time during the visit.

Number 5 is for Final

A doctor that remembers His regular patient is gold! You are valuable to His practice. He will take time to investigate your child’s case. He would investigate and consult about your issues. He will go the extra mile.

The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all.”
― Benjamin Spock

‘Gud docta na propati’, name a doctor that you value and respect. Why did you choose that doctor?


In Memory of the best Doctor that ever Lived- ‘Grandpa Docta’- May Light Perpetual Shine on You
Dr. D.J. OLUBUNMI ROBBIN-COKER – 15th July 1934- 29th March 2019
Written by: arianadiaries

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