Now there are two types of arthritis, namely osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis . In Nigeria both types are used to describe various aches and pains in the muscle and joints as well as for on & off pains generally felt in the body. The symptoms for both types tend to come and go. Nowadays its becoming fairly common in the Genz population, it’s not an old age issue anymore. This is due to the consumption of processed and artificial foods and drinks.
The symptoms begins with pain and stiffness in joints within the body, initially the pain comes and goes. Usually, it worsens when one wakes up in the morning, then the pain gradually becomes more intense with constant swelling and inflammation in the joints. Very often it spreads to other parts of the body such as the elbows, knees, hips, waist, ankle, shoulders and neck. Sometimes the person may feel weak , tired and feverish. Their mouth becomes dry due to a reduction of salivary fluid leading to a lack of appetite followed by weight-loss.
Let’s come to the good part, how do you manage arthritis or “itis” which mean inflammation? We need to focus on the following : strengthen the immune system, weak joint tissues and bones in order to achieve this diet plays a big role. Avoid the following drinking coffee and alcohol or eating biscuits, ice-cream or food high in refined sugar. Another way to treat this “itis” is using pineapple peel or skin! So stop throwing away your pineapple peel.
Here is a traditional prescription (Px)recipe to be taken for two weeks, you will need the following:
400 grams of pineapple peels,
400 gram of unripe pawpaw peel,
300 gram of either lemon or unripe orange peel
10grams or a tablespoon of rosemary herb
2 litres of drinking water, not tap water.
Boil all of these ingredients together in a non toxic cookware like claypot/ stainless steel/ titanuim pot. Do not use a cast iron or aluminium pot because it can denaturing the ingredients. Now cook for all these ingredients for 15minutes Then turn off this heat, to allow it to brew further. Once cooled down , store in glass jars or bottle. Do not use plastic bottles.
Key fact is that one of these ingredients, has been scientifically proven to be curative for inflammation, because it contain an active compound called Bromelain.
Now the takeaway message here is to love the pineapple skin not the flesh because it has extensive studies on its positive effects on multiple health conditions, such as including osteoarthritis, kidney disorder and cancer. If you choose to get the supplement capsule instead, do discuss your use of bromelain capsule with your doctor, or a licensed herbal practitioner particularly if you take prescription medications. Remember to share if you find it useful or send drop a comment just say I like.